Jenny Childs
Jenny has 20 years of midwifery experience and currently works in the Sydney local health district. She has assisted and witnessed hundreds of beautiful births.
Jenny has taught childbirth classes for 17 years. She studied Masters in Midwifery which explored the mind-body connection in birth and was attracted to the Calmbirth® program because it encompassed that connection.
Jenny has been teaching Calmbirth® since 2009 in both private and hospital settings. She has found this course enriching as it forms a strong basis in connecting woman with their bodies, with their partners and with their growing babies. It gives time over the weekend to develop that connection and grow depth in the inner resources that they have within them.
Jenny is also a mother and has had a positive birth experience.
Calmbirth® keeps you grounded. The course is simple and easy to understand and it serves the woman, her partner and the baby as a basis for the birth experience and for many years to come as a family. It evokes a positive birth experience, whatever road in birth you wish to take.
Contact me if you would like to find out how Calmbirth® can give you the tools, Knowledge and confidence to enhance your potential in birth.